Saturday, July 26, 2008

First Vegetarian Cooking Course Report

The first vegetarian cooking course took place last Saturday, July 19th, and gave pleasure to the students and guests that came to visit our center. The course started with a philosophical introduction by our dear Giriraj Prabhu, who spoke about the laws of karma, the relation between the action of eating and the environment, how the type of food we eat directly relates to our states of consciousness, and finally etiquette in a conscious kitchen.

Then the chef took the stand and she spoke, not with words, but with pots, pans, and various vegetables, resulting in a sumptuous feast. The students learned how easy it could be to cook a more than satisfying full course vegetarian meal.

After the Lord had enjoyed all the finest preparations, everyone enjoyed these now spiritualized food stuffs called prasadam! The recipe used in this cooking class is available on this website, under the Mother Bhakti Recipes link.

Many thanks to all who participated! We hope you will join us next time in learning more from out expert chef!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Vegetarian Cooking Course - Curso de Cocina Vegetariana

Learn the principal of vegetarian free of karma cooking and how to prepare delicious meals that support a healthy spiritual lifestyle. Bring more energy to your body, mind and soul.

This Vegetarian Free of Karma Cooking Course will be instructed by mother Bhakti, a long term staff member of the Vrinda Yoga Inbound Center and renowned for her cooking skills. She has cooked in many Ashrams and centers and teaches as she cooks: with joy, humor and love.


Aprender los principios de la cocina vegetariana libre de karma y como preparar deliciosas comidas que mantienen un estilo de vida espiritual y saludable. Trayendo mas energía a nuestra mente, cuerpo y alma.

Este Curso de Cocina Vegetariana Libre de Karma será enseñado por Madre Bhakti, quien es por mucho tiempo miembro del personal del Centro Yoga Inbound Vrinda y que es reconocida por sus habilidades culinarias. Ella ha cocinado en muchos centros y Ashrams y enseña de la misma manera como ella cocina: con humor, placer y amor.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Conscious Theatre - Cine Conciente

Conscious Theatre is a laboratory where anyone can dive deep into himself with the help of video projections and debates on important messages like ecology, consumerism, health, knowledge of the being, etc., with the purpose of making a an "inner consciousness journey". Following next month poster .

El Cine Conciente es un taller donde todos pueden sumergirse profundamente en su interior, con la ayuda de proyecciones de video y debates de mensajes importantes como la ecología, el consumismo, la salud, el conocimiento del ser, etc, con el propósito de hacer un "viaje interior en la conciencia". Siguiente, el poster del próximo mes.

The themes of the first series of the Conscious Theatre will be “vegetarianism: a revolution of consciousness.” The first movie we will watch is “Animal Farm,” based on Orwell’s satirical novel about totalitarianism. Then we will watch “Meat is Weak,” a documentary that shows us the myths surrounding meat eating, and the reality that exists behind the walls of today’s slaughterhouses. The third film of this series will be “Chicken Run,” which details the adventures of a chicken in search of freedom. To close, we will watch “Earthlings,” a documentary that will capture our consciousness, point out the profound impact in our life caused by an attitude that, grossly or subtly, almost every human being is manifesting: speciesism.

The movies will be played in our center every Wednesday at 7:30PM. Hoping you will enjoy these movies, we invite you to come and participate in building a community based on the motto “simple living, high thinking.”

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Welcome to the Miami Vaisnava Academy

Enjoy our courses!
Desfrute de nuestros cursos!